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TORQ is a Fitness Consultancy – it always has been and always will be. We originally developed our range of performance nutrition products through a need to offer the highest standard of support to the athletes we worked with and TORQ has since evolved into the most desirable, respected and integral Performance Nutrition brand on the market today.

We are research-driven and this is key to our philosophy. We don’t fund research, we review, absorb and learn from it, then take on board the detail and use it to formulate better, higher functioning products than anyone else. We use the purest potent natural ingredients to achieve our goals. Where possible, our products are certified Organic by the Soil Association, or carry the Fairtrade mark, providing farmers in developing countries a fair price for their produce.

We don’t use chemical sweeteners, colours or artificial flavours, yet we work meticulously to deliver the finest natural flavour profiles available in any food product, let alone the niche sector TORQ is represented in. From product function, through to usability, flavour and packaging quality and design, we accept absolutely no compromise and always strive for perfection.

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